There are several aspects of Froggy's Famous
Fanclub that mark it as being different from other children's music clubs. The first difference is regarding age: Being a parent myself I know how valuable it is to try shared experiences whether you have or don't have siblings & mixing children of different ages in a safe space like Froggy's is a very positive thing for the most part.
Typically Froggy's there is an age range from between 1 to 5 years . The format is a bit like a concert & a workshop combined and as an experienced performer I adjust how I present material to my audience rather than them having to adjust to me. Very young children enjoy the energy given from older siblings especially and older kids enjoy not only making friends but enjoyingthe confidence that builds from familarity of their favorite songs & routines.

Although the yes game sometimes gets gloriously out of control Froggy's normally follows a clear structure.
Froggy starts with us all sitting on mats getting comfy as I distribute the famous Froggy stickers normally with my infamous bubble hat on
Next up is the hello song followed by 5-10mins of traditional songs such as Incey Wincey Spider & Wind the Bobbin up
We then focus on hand dexterity songs for 5 mins & sing some clapping game songs
At this time we're ready for a dancing number and we all join in & have a bloomin good jig
We often calm things down with requests & very often a puppet friend of Froggy says hello
Next up is 5/10 mins of egg based silliness often with Jake impersonating a famous rock star
After that we all go to the percussion table get an instrument or three revisit the bubbles & after a song or two wake up the star of the show Froggy.
After a game of peek a boo with Froggy it's time to play Froggy's favourite 'Sleeping Bunnies' We tried allsorts over the years but Sleeping Bunnies multiple times is always what is needed !
Finally a song along the lines of Row the Boat or Twinkle Twinkle to calm us down and to have a cuddle to
What is it time to say goodbye already see you soon !
Froggy's Famous Fanclub is an engaging musical workshop that lasts typically about an hour in length. During this time there will be action songs to dance to, traditional nursery ryhmes often with Froggy twists. There are lots of oppurtunities to play a wealth of different percussion instruments and frequent elements involving colour, puppets and bubbles. All of this is hosted by Jake who plays a range of live instruments including, accordion, banjo fiddle & ukulele.

Another area of Froggy's that is different perhaps to other children's events you may experience is that I want the adults to enjoy Froggy's too ! I'll repeat that - adults are meant to enjoy Froggy's too !
No Froggy show is ever quite the same & I make a conscious effort to involve parents, grandparents & carers alike. Central to this are two things :
1) Having a giggle & being silly ! We will make reference to farting , snoring and stinky feet & that's even before we've included the dads.
2) Is learning to say Yes ! Children do this naturally but at Froggy's we all have a go. I know sometimes you want someone just to entertain your kids & yes I do this to a certain extent, but Froggy sessions really start to work when everyone engages ! It's infectious
& is really central to what goes on at Froggy's Famous Fanclub