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Why We All Join In

Froggy's Famous Fanclub isn't just a show it's a chance for you and your family to socialise in a social way. Jake (aka Mr Froggyman) hopes everyone engages in the show. Yes there's alot of repetition, yes it's quite high energy and yes Jake's jokes and antics are both corny & silly.


It can't be stated enough though that the most imortant element of early years learning is through you. Some people it is true are naturally extrovert, however just engaging and saying 'Yes' as a parent is a fantastic way to develop a great bond and rapport with your children.


The sessions aim their focus at different ages throughout and acknowledges big children and little children , mums & dads and grandparents. All are welcome and the intention is for us all to have fun .

Froggy's Famous Fanclub : Mischief & Musical Mayhen since 2002

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